This is computer generated writing that creates characters based off of a base library of glyphs and shapes. I developed my own radical system with two sets of different top radicals, two sets of side radicals, and about four main radicals that were made up of different components to allow for different variations on each. I additionally added some small markings or “diacritics,” that had a small chance to be added to the main radicals to make them more diverse and visually interesting. Finally the generated glyphs have some jitter and size variations coded in that allow them to have a more handwritten quality.

The characters are rendered using a red calligraphy pen in a pen plotter, and drawn on a heavy toothed paper. The pen’s orientation on the paper give the characters their depths and adds to the handwritten aesthetic.

These are the original vectors generated by the program. This is one of an almost infinite number of combinations of characters that can be generated on one page.